FEAST Focus: meet Chef Heidi Hoyt

Chef Heidi and her husband Michael have been running a very successful catering business, Black Diamond Caterers, for over a decade. In 2013, they used their combined skills and experience to open a casual, counter-style restaurant, Parkside Eatery, right across from...

FEAST Focus: meet the chefs

Starting as Kitchen Manager and working his way to his current role as Head chef at The Merry Monk, he has a unique dynamic working in the culinary scene. Because of the multiple roles he’s had and the number of years he has been in the field, Chessare brings tasteful...

FEAST Focus: meet the chefs

Kim focuses on sourcing sustainable meat and vegetables for her restaurant, in an effort to make an impact and reduce her carbon footprint. She has had a lifetime of education on how to be environmentally friendly and healthy with her cooking, while keeping local...

FEAST Focus: meet the chefs

The farm focuses on growing safe, healthy vegetables and preparing high quality food for their customers. They put a lot of emphasis on practicing sustainable agricultural methods, such as keeping a significant amount of cover crops and promoting organic matter and...

FEAST Focus: meet the chefs

When the opportunity to open his own restaurant in Albany came around, he took the chance and has been confident and successful ever since. Staying true to his roots, Yono’s culinary style involves exotic spices and complex flavors. He also strives to educate...