by Saratoga PLAN | Apr 23, 2020 | Blog, News & Press
SARAH B. FOULKE FRIENDSHIP TRAILS SYSTEM COMING TO THE PALMERTOWN RANGE A generous donation from the Sarah B. Foulke Charitable Fund will underwrite the planning, design and stewardship of more than 20 miles of publicly accessible, permanently conserved trails in the...
by Saratoga PLAN | Apr 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” linktitle=”Annual Fund” ] What if I told you that there was a medication that could help you live longer, improve your mood, reduce your risk of certain cancers, Type 2...
by Saratoga PLAN | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog
Earth Day rings the annual alarm that re-awakens people and new generations to join in the fight for the health of the earth. This 50th Anniversary of Earth Day will be honored virtually in this year of the pandemic rather than through mass gatherings, group...
by Saratoga PLAN | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog
Donate to the beaver baffle! *Kindly make a note that your gift is for the beavers* So, what’s going on? As beavers patch up their dams and build new ones, water is being diverted and flooding trails and neighboring lands. That’s why we’re calling on beaver...
by Saratoga PLAN | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog
Friendly Reminders Please be mindful of maintaining 6 feet between other folks on the trails, refrain from touching your face and wash your hands immediately upon returning home. Please also carry out what you carry in. As people head to the trail for exercise and...