Scott Miller

My primary passion relating to PLAN is as a volunteer trail advocate pushing for inter municipal and regional trail networks. I am familiar with most of the trail networks in Saratoga County, but particularly familiar with off road multiuse trail options in Malta, Ballston, Ballston Spa, Clifton Park, Milton areas. I have long advocated for extensions of the central county multiuse trail (Zim Smith) and for local off road connections. I was helpful in launching the countywide trails initiative.

I have been a member of the PLAN Conservation/ Land Protection Committee/Land Protection for 20+ years. Lots of (mostly bad) experience in developing open space plans, comprehensive plans and trail plans in the town of Ballston.

My professional background is engineering physics, having worked for GE R&D, as a consultant and as an instructor of engineering design at RPI, before retiring in 2020.

Currently live in Clifton Park in the house I was born in (back when there were only 3500 people and lots of open space and farmland).