volunteer opportunity: scout for hwa

What is Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA)? Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is a small, white, aphid-like insect that feeds off of Northern Hemlocks – and it’s present here in Saratoga County. Because the insects cut off the tree’s nutrient flow to its own...

friendship trails coming soon

SARAH B. FOULKE FRIENDSHIP TRAILS SYSTEM COMING TO THE PALMERTOWN RANGE A generous donation from the Sarah B. Foulke Charitable Fund will underwrite the planning, design and stewardship of more than 20 miles of publicly accessible, permanently conserved trails in the...

invasive species 101

Invasive Species are species that are not originally from the area that cause either environmental and/or economic damage.  Enjoy and share this and upcoming articles and info-graphics! Saratoga County is, unfortunately, home to invasive species such as the zebra...