Names will be kept confidential, but the number of pledges and total dollar amount pledged will be tracked.
We are not collecting funds at this time. We are only soliciting pledges of donations, but if the deal closes we may need the money quickly.
FYI, we considered a “go fund me” effort, but they require a credit card donation on the spot and take a percentage of the amount. And then if the deal falls through we have to worry about refunding people’s money. We don’t need the actual money now, just an idea of how much people are willing to donate if the Town Board goes through with the deal, so this will be a much simpler method. Be aware however that if the deal closes we may need the money very quickly.
Please feel free to share this widely with others you think might be willing to help. Thanks for your support.
Larry Woolbright, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Biology
Siena College
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