Feast of the Fields commemorates community-based farms, chefs, and conservation heroes during a night of fun-filled celebration and merriment. Don’t miss out on the divine culinary tastings prepared by top local chefs using fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, cheeses and herbs from local farms as well as the silent auction that showcases the unique and rich wonders of numerous Saratoga County businesses! Proceeds from this event will allow Saratoga PLAN to continue its work conserving land, assisting municipalities with smart planning and sustaining a healthy environment and community. By joining the Honorary Committee you will help support the primary organization dedicated to preserving the rural character, natural habitats and scenic beauty of Saratoga County. These efforts are now needed more than ever as Saratoga County is the fastest growing region of New York State!
Mark Thursday, September 17th down on your calendar as the date of this annual event! Feast of the Fields is hosted at the Saratoga National Golf Club, which is surrounded by scenic landscapes that are home to 135 acres of protected forests and wetlands.
Members of the Honorary Committee are asked to make a special donation by purchasing advanced tickets at the Trailblazer or Friends level. As an Honorary Committee member, you will see your names listed on the invitation, program, and other promotional materials in recognition of your valued and esteemed support.
Please contact Saratoga PLAN by June 30th to serve on the Feast of the Fields Honorary Committee.
-Your Friends at Saratoga PLAN