Spring Guided Walks: Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail


April 13, 2023    
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Spring Guided Walks: Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail: April 6, 13, 20, 27 from 10:00 AM to 11:00AM with an additional walk on April 13 from 1:00 PM to 2:00PM

Take a hike with our partnership interns to learn new information about the sights and sounds of your favorite Saratoga PLAN trails as spring is arriving! You are bound to discover amazing things!

Registration is strongly encouraged at least one business day in advance. Scroll to the bottom of www.wiltonpreserve.org/education/calendar to register or email info@wiltonpreserve.org!

To the Meadowbrook Road Entrance:
From downtown Saratoga Springs, follow the directions above, then proceed east on Route 29/Lake Avenue past the Route 29 entrance. At the first traffic light, make a right onto Staffords Bridge Road then take your first right onto Meadowbrook Road. The parking lot will be 1/4 mile down the road on your right. From I-87: Take exit 14 and head east on Union Avenue (toward Saratoga Lake). The first intersection will be Gilbert Road on your left, immediately followed by an intersection with Meadowbrook Road on the left. Take Meadowbrook Road for about 2.2 miles to the new Bog Meadow trailhead on your left. The new trailhead begins in the parking area. This entrance was reopened in early November 2018.

These walks are supported with funding from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program (NYSCPP) and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund. The NYSCPP is administered by the Land Trust Alliance, in coordination with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.