Habitat Restoration Day

Habitat Restoration Day


April 21, 2022    
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Join us for hands-on habitat restoration work on April 21st at the Glowegee Creek South trailhead in Galway.

About the Project

Saratoga PLAN is working in conjunction with Capital Region PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) to restore natural habitat at the Glowegee Creek Trailhead in Galway.

The trailhead is unfortunately home to invasive multiflora rose and honeysuckle. If not properly removed and managed, seeds from the plants can accidentally be dispersed deeper into the preserve by animals and trail-goers. Invasive species damage natural habitat by outcompeting native plants, affecting soil stability, and ultimately limiting biodiversity. Sufficient food sources for wildlife, stable soils and a healthy, diverse habitat are all critical to helping local species survive and thrive amid a changing climate. This is the continuation of the habitat restoration project started in 2021. 

Our hope is to properly manage the invasive species on this property by:

1) removing invasive honeysuckle

2) replacing them with native trees and shrubs to shade out any potential invasive seedlings, and

3) re-seeding a native wildflower field to further promote native habitat and food.


Register to Volunteer 

If you’re interested in getting your hands dirty in honor of Earth Day, sign up to volunteer using the form below.

Volunteers will be removing invasice species, planting native plants and shrubs, prepping sites for future plantings, and seeding wildflowers.

Bonnie Nightingale, PLAN’s Stewardship Manager will be in touch prior to the work day to confirm your registration and provide additional details.

Date: Thursday, April 21

Time: 10:00 AM-2:00 PM