Farmland Succession Workshop

Farmland Succession Workshop


May 16, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Presenter: Megan Harris-Pero, Esq.

What will happen to your land if something happens to you? This workshop will offer an overview of estate planning and succession planning tips for farmland owners. Megan Harris-Pero of Harris-Pero Law Firm, PLLC, will touch on issues relating to business transfer, retirement, distribution of land and other assets to the next generation, and farmland conservation.

Thursday, May 16th  |  6PM – 7PM

Saratoga PLAN Office Building – 112 Spring Street, Saratoga Springs, NY (downstairs conference room)

To Register:

Contact Seamus, Saratoga PLAN’s Conservation Assistant –  |  518.587.5554 x 106

This workshop is supported by Farmland for a New Generation New York, in partnership with American Farmland Trust and the Department of Agriculture and Markets with funding from the State of New York.