Tick safety 101.
When it comes to tick safety, prevention is the best method. When spending time outdoors, always practice the following:
- Wear light colored clothing
- Wear long pants, long sleeves & closed shoes
- Consider insect repellent
- Stay on trails
- Do a full-body tick check after being outdoors
Tick check. Here’s how.
Don’t forget to check over your entire body as soon as you get home. Have a family member or friend help check the hidden places that you have trouble seeing, especially along creases, belt lines, and hair lines.
Safe removal. Here’s how.
If the tick is large (engorged, which means it’s been attached for a while), it’s best to visit a doctor to have it removed in order to avoid any problems and to prevent infection.
If the tick is small and newly attached, gently grasp the abdomen and pull while twisting slowly until the tick pops off. After removal, thoroughly disinfect the area and treat with ointment to help prevent infection.
Post removal. What to watch for.
You know it’s time to see a doctor if you experience ANY of the following symptoms several days to weeks after removal of the tick: red rash (can be small or very large, and not necessarily at the bite site), other skin problems, and/or flu-like symptoms. These are symptoms associated with Lyme Disease (LD), which is difficult to diagnose and treat. Click here for the facts on Lyme Disease and other Tick Borne diseases (TBDs).