“Saratoga PLAN is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist Mr. Bowman in realizing his goals of protecting this farmland,” said Michael Horn, Conservation Director for Saratoga PLAN, adding “the property’s high quality, well-draining soils are ideal for farming, and will now forever be available for agricultural use.”
Bowman explained that after farming a piece of property for over 40 years, the last thing he’d want is to see someone divvy up the land and build houses on it. “The biggest thing, especially in our area, is that there is so much development pressure,” said property owner David Bowman. “I hate to see houses planted on the land, I’d rather see it stay a farm.”
The farm was formerly an orchard and nursery with a farm store, growing a wide variety fruits and vegetables from peaches and plums to blueberries and raspberries, in addition to pork, chicken, beef and turkey.
This farmland conservation project enjoyed wide community support. Funding for this project came from NYS Department of Ag and Markets’ Hudson Valley Agriculture Enhancement Program, a Saratoga County Farmland Protection Grant, a grant from the Town of Malta and a generous donation from Bowman.