Specifically, the Fund-a-Need, a new addition to the annual event, brought PLAN’s behind-the-scenes projects into the spotlight in the form of a live auction, raising $30,000 of the $33,000 goal for internship and stewardship programs. In addition, Saratoga PLAN hopes to conserve 1,200 acres to add to the already 7,000+ acres conserved. These projects become reality because of the community’s generosity and support. Thank you all!
An ENORMOUS thank you to ALL of our Business Partners!
Your gracious support not only makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside, but also, and more importantly, allows us to complete critical conservation projects, connect people with local agriculture, raise awareness around conserving what counts, and put on an unmatchable farm-to-table event, bringing together those who mean so much to us.
A standing ovation to our volunteers!
Without the hard work of our volunteers, Feast just wouldn’t shine so brightly. We couldn’t have asked for a better team. Your time, ideas, determination, and good cheer are so appreciated. We our volunteers!
Hats off to the farmers and chefs!
You are the reason we get together each year to celebrate the harvest and the creativity that it allows. Endless thanks to the farmers for the delicious meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy and more, and endless praise to the chefs for the incredible final products.
And to our guests…
We’re at a loss of words to describe our gratitude for your presence and participation in PLAN’s annual fundraiser. It is because of YOU that Saratoga County’s waterways, landscapes and farms are being conserved today and forever.
PS. We’d love to raise the remainder of our $33,000 goal.
We ONLY need $3,000 more. Please consider giving today.